【参加者募集】協賛事業 令和6年度 第6回 先進軽金属材料研究集会 開催のお知らせARC
令和6年度 第6回「先進軽金属材料研究集会」を開催いたします。
- 企業・技術者の方
- 学生の方
- 研究
協賛事業 令和6年度 第6回 先進軽金属材料研究集会を開催いたします。
横浜国立大学・廣澤先生(hirosawa★ynu.ac.jp ★を@に差し替えてください)にお申し込みください。
主催:一般社団法人 軽金属学会「6000系アルミニウム合金研究部会」
(富山大学先進アルミニウム国際研究センター 第6回 先進軽金属材料研究集会)
開催日時 2025年2月7日(金)14:00~16:45
開催場所 横浜国立大学サテライトキャンパス YNU Base Hazawa
開催方法 対面およびオンライン(後日、TeamsのURLをお知らせします)
講演者 Dr. Calin D. Marioara (SINTEF Industry, Norway. Senior Researcher)
14:00-15:30 Atomic Clusters and GP-zones in Al-Mg-Si(-Cu) Alloys
15:45-16:45 Technical tutorial on TEM/STEM observation
Questions from audience will be answered based on his wide knowledge
The negative effect of natural aging to hardness development during a final artificial aging in dense Al-Mg-Si(-Cu) alloys (Mg + Si > 1 wt%) is well documented. This has been attributed to the formation of atomic clusters and GP zones during natural aging, as strength is increasing, and electrical conductivity is decreasing during this time. However, due to their small size, high coherency with the aluminium matrix and small atomic number difference between Al, Mg and Si, these structures cannot be detected by conventional TEM methods such as BF, DF or HRTEM. Our study has demonstrated that visualisation of such atomic clusters and GP-zones is possible by Low Angle Annular Dark Field Scanning TEM (LAADF-STEM), making possible their classification. Atomic models have been proposed and their stability tested by Density Functional Theory (DFT). It is concluded that a one-dimensional defect in the aluminium matrix is responsible for the formation of beneficial GP-zones that will develop into beta” phase during a subsequent artificial aging.
横浜国立大学大学院 工学研究院 システムの創生部門 教授
廣澤渉一先生 hirosawa★ynu.ac.jp ★を@に差し替えてください